Unconscious Linguistic Bias

It is human nature to make prejudgments about others’ cultural background, appearances, personalities, and status based on the way they speak, specifically when they talk in foreign accents. To a higher extent, people often have unconscious biases that they are unaware of. One type of the unconscious biases this project is exploring is the linguistic bias.

The minute we speak, we are giving clues about ourselves — where we grew up, with whom we grew up, and where we went to school. Languages possess the power to shape narratives and build atmospheres within groups. This interactive website is structured by audios from different English learning speakers with Chinese descent. The audios are placed into groups based on the heaviness of the speakers’ accent. The intention of this interactive website is to explore the subconscious in people’s brains and see if they have unconscious linguistic bias by inviting them to formulate ideas about the speakers when they hear their voices.


This website welcomes audiences to make guesses and judgements about the social background of the speaker by listening to the audio only before researching the speaker and clicking the speaker’s name for biological information. It is an interactive process for individuals themselves to distinguish if they make biased prejudgements unconsciously based on listening to the way people speak in the following audios.